What Is The Definition Of Smart Waste Management?
Any method that uses technology to keep trash collection more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly is referred to as smart waste management. To help optimize waste collection and inspire future innovation, the majority of these devices are equipped with IoT, a tracking technology that gathers & tracks real-time data.
To help optimize waste collection and inspire future innovation, the majority of these devices are equipped with IoT, a tracking technology that gathers & tracks real-time data.
Continue reading to get how smart waste management systems function, or go to the infographics below to see how businesses may benefit from these cutting-edge technology.
What Is The Importance Of Smart Waste Management?
According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), over 75% of waste in the U.S is recyclable, but only around 30% of recyclable materials are recycled. Given that people produce slightly over 2 billion tones of rubbish each year, that’s a lot of waste ending up in landfills and waterways around the world.
The world’s trash problem isn’t going away anytime soon, and existing waste management systems aren’t designed to handle the additional trash produced by rising populations. Communities must embrace smart waste management technology that boost efficiency, reduce collection costs, & divert more garbage away from landfills to help close the gap.
Weighing Mechanisms For Garbage Trucks
Weighing mechanisms put in garbage trucks, including waste level sensors, can help estimate fill levels and save collection trips. They do this by weighing waste bins and storing the data, which they then use to forecast fill rates over time. Cities using this technology to better estimate how often they want to send trucks out, lowering annual collection expenses.
Waste Pneumatic Pipes
As cities’ populations rise, so does the demand for waste management technologies that can handle growing amounts of garbage. Some cities are addressing this issue by putting in pneumatic trash disposal dustbins that connect to the network of subterranean pipes. Trash is transported via pipes to a trash collection facility, where it is sorted or dragged away. This method replaces traditional waste collection, lowers energy costs, and improves overall efficiency.
Trash Compactors Powered By The Sun
Ecube Labs invented a solar-powered garbage compactor that can contain up to 5 times more waste than typical trash bins in order to improve collection efficiencies and minimize trips to & from the disposal. To help simplify the collection process, these devices compressed trash as it collects to maximize bin capacity and gather and communicate data on fill & collection times.
Kiosks For E-Waste
Both persons and the environment can be harmed by carelessly disposed of electronic trash. Many businesses and organizations, fortunately, have begun e-waste recycling programmes that will take — & even repay you for — old electronic equipment.
eco ATM, an smart recycling startup, developed the line of e-waste recovery kiosks which allow you to swap your devices for money on the spot. While they may not always pay cash for broken or destroyed electronics, they do accept phones, tablets, & MP3 players in either condition & recycle them correctly.